Adventure Park [sc name="in-macchina"][/sc]

41 minutes by car. Half an hour by car is the Lake Como Adventure Park, an amusement park surrounded by nature where you can have fun climbing trees and jumping into the void in complete safety.
41 minutes by car. Half an hour by car is the Lake Como Adventure Park, an amusement park surrounded by nature where you can have fun climbing trees and jumping into the void in complete safety.
Ad una mezz’ora in macchina si trova il Lake Como Adventure Park, un parco divertimenti immerso nella natura in cui ci si può divertire arrampicandosi sugli alberi e lanciandosi nel vuoto in tutta sicurezza.
La maison offre à ses hôtes une place de parking gratuite et privée à l’intérieur de la propriété.
6 minutes walk.
La Casa mette a disposizione degli ospiti un posto auto gratuito e privato all’interno della proprietà.
La maison met à votre disposition un machine à laver.
The house offers guests a washing machine.
La Casa mette a disposizione degli ospiti una lavatrice.
À seulement un quart d’heure de Casa Agnello se trouve l’une des villas les plus suggestives du lac de Côme, également célèbre pour avoir attiré l’attention d’Hollywood qui a tourné les scènes de Star Wars Episode XX
21 minutes by car. In Tremezzina, one of the most suggestive villas on Lake Como, also famous for having attracted the attention of Hollywood who shot the scenes of Star Wars Episode