Pharmacy [sc name="a-piedi"][/sc]

4 minutes walk. One of the best-served pharmacies in the whole area. A healthy holiday!
4 minutes walk. One of the best-served pharmacies in the whole area. A healthy holiday!
A 4 minuti a piedi dalla Casa Agnello si trova una delle farmacie più servite di tutta la zona. Una vacanza in salute!
À seulement 4 minutes à pied de Casa Agnello se trouve la boulangerie “Rigamonti” où vous pouvez acheter du pain et des brioches fraîchement cuits tous les matins. Fraîcheur et authenticité sur la table !
6 minutes walk. At the “Rigamonti” bakery you can buy freshly baked bread and brioches every morning. Freshness and authenticity on the table!
A soli 4 minuti a piedi dalla Casa Agnello si trova il Panificio “Rigamonti” dove si possono acquistare Pane e Brioches fresche sfornate ogni mattina. La freschezza e la genuinità in tavola!
À seulement 4 minutes à pied de Casa Agnello se trouve le supermarché “Styl Market”, avec des produits très frais et à zéro kilomètre. Shopping fait de manière simple et authentique!
6 minutes walk. At the “Styl Market” supermarket, you find very fresh and zero-kilometre products. Shopping done in a simple and genuine way!
A soli 4 minuti a piedi dalla Casa Agnello si trova il Supermercato “Styl Market”, con prodotti freschissimi e a chilometro zero. La spesa fatta in modo semplice e genuino!
À seulement 5 minutes de Casa Agnello se trouve l’arrêt de bus qui relie les principales villes de la région, ainsi que les principales liaisons
6 minutes walk. The bus stop connects the main towns in the area, as well as the main connections, You can buy tickets at the nearby “Bar La Stazione”. Make sure you buy the return tickets as well.